Now more than ever, it is critical to communicate real-time information and guidelines to the people entering your facility.
Digital displays capture attention and offer unmatched flexibility to change your messaging as frequently as needed to ensure that people are aware of changing procedures and following all safety instructions and guidelines. They can be designed as portable units or as permanent fixtures, and provide the opportunity to communicate important information in real-time with attention-catching graphics.
The messages displayed on and experiences created by your digital displays are what will capture attention and deliver the return you are seeking. From basic widgets like weather, traffic, and social media feeds to critical safety information and digital experiences that immerse a viewer, the IMS content design team works with you to develop unique and eye-catching messaging to maximize the impact of your digital displays.
Whether you need a simple 3x3 video wall, a custom-designed curved wall with dozens of displays, or anything in between, IMS will design and deliver the perfect solution that adds critical information, professional graphics and messaging flexibility to your store, lobby, or meeting areas. We start with an in-depth needs analysis to understand the specific and unique goals for your digital displays, and then design the right hardware and software solution for you. Once your display is installed, we will provide on-site or web-based training for your team. Our solutions are designed to meet your current needs, as well as grow with your business and provide future flexibility and scalability.
Key features include:
Learn more about signage and display solutions