This is the fourth installment of a new series of "Day in the Life" articles featuring IMS team members and how they spend their day in the office or on the road supporting our clients. This is the recent "day in the life" of Chris Leonard, Director of Audio.
"Suppose for a second I can help you with all of the things we just talked about. Reducing stress on-site, improving the attendee experience and providing consistent pricing/staffing from location to location. I’m sure that will be good for the organization. What will it mean to you personally?”
This is the second installment of a new series of "Day in the Life" articles featuring IMS team members and how they spend their day on the road supporting our clients. This is the recent "day in the life" of Daniel Flynn, Integration Project Manager.
This is the first installment of a new series of "Day in the Life" articles featuring IMS team members and how they spend their day on the road supporting our clients. This is the recent "day in the life" of Neil Kurtz, Event Staging Technician.