The client is a global law firm with offices in major cities throughout the United States, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. A partner meeting was scheduled for the Fall of 2023 and the client had experienced challenges with their event AV in the past. They sought referrals for new AV partners, and IMS was recommended by another law firm.
Since the partner meeting has a mix of live and virtual attendees, the client sought a technology solution that ensured all virtual attendees would be seen and heard, while being simultaneously able to see and hear the people in the meeting room as if they were there live. Essentially, this would mimic conferencing apps by instantly displaying a speaker at the live meeting on the screen for the virtual attendees. The client had a clear vision of how this should work, and identified 3 key things that they did NOT want:
With no out-of-the-box technology or conferencing solution that would meet the overall need for the partner meeting, IMS team members designed, engineered, and programmed a custom solution.
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