1. Describe your career in the technology industry in three words:
Passionate, Interesting, Ever-Changing
2. If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you choose to play you?
This is a tough one. I am torn between two great comedic actors. Either Jack Black or John Candy are the two I could see playing me.
3. If you could trade places with any other person for a week - famous or not, living or dead, real or fictional - with whom would it be?
Bill Gates because who doesn’t want to be one of the richest men on earth.
4. If you were a super hero, what would your super power be?
The ability to learn by downloading information to my brain.
5. What are you most passionate about professionally? What most excites you about your work & the contribution you can make?
Making sure everybody has what they need to complete the task at hand and to watch the best team in AV succeed because of all the preparation I have done.
6. What are you passionate about personally? What do you really enjoy? What can’t you stop talking about?
I really enjoy anything to do with live sound and sharing my knowledge to anybody who wants to learn.
7. Where can we find you when you’re not working?
At home watching TV or brushing up on the latest AV tech.