Distance Learning has become a “must” for educational institutions and corporations. 2013 statistics, compiled by certifyme.net, reveal that Distance Learning is now estimated to be a $56.2 billion dollar industry that is expected to double in size over the next few years. Presently, 4.6 million college students are taking at least one course online and it is predicted that by 2019, half of all college courses will be taught online
Penn Nursing is a world-recognized leader in progressive nursing education, global health, and international research. The University of Pennsylvania was the first Ivy League school to offer baccalaureate, masters, and doctoral degrees in nursing and is currently the only Ivy League school to offer a baccalaureate degree in nursing.
IMS has been working with West Chester University of Pennsylvania to provide a range of AV Integration, including classroom upgrades, digital migration, new EO Bull Arts center, and distance learning.
Widener partnered with IMS on a design-build solution to enhance the presentation technology and bring collaborative and distance learning capabilities to the 125 student lecture hall.
Alvernia’s ideal solution to improve productivity and efficiency included upgrades to an already-strong foundation of instructional technologies.
Using our existing relationship with Drexel University, IMS was able to procure new business with the Undergraduate Admissions Office, which was looking to update its image for on-campus events. Drexel University holds seasonal open houses to allow incoming students and parents the opportunity to explore the various schools that the university encompasses. IMS was able to win the bid by providing creative, cost-effective stage and set design.
An impactful event to drive student enrollment and retention – students as well as parents come together for an exciting and lasting first impression of Drexel University.